At Rishikesh we saw our first Indian Snake Charmer. He set himself up at the entrance to the hotel where we were staying and did his “thang”. I am interested to know what happens to the snake in between times when it is not in its tiny basket. What is it fed? Is it ever able to move around? Even though the snake didn’t move much it still gave me the heebie-jeebies.
Last night we caught the Haridwar Mail train to Delhi. We had a cabin which slept four and shared it with an Indian business man who exports Indian clothing. He had been to a 5 day Hindu festival in Haridwar. There are festivals and fireworks happening everywhere at the moment as it is the beginning of Diwali. We arrived back at our hotel after 10:30pm and it was like coming home! Woke this morning to the sound of chattering squirrels.
We heard on the news of the death of Steve Jobs, one of the founders of Apple Mac. A sad day being Apple Mac people ourselves.

Later today we are catching the Ashram Express. An overnighter we arrive in Ahmedabad at 7:30am to start the next phase of our adventure. have just organised to get some samosas and buns to eat for tea on the train. Apparently a quick Indian snack is to put a samosa into a bread bun, smash it down and eat it. Sounds divine!